



Death toll goes up in Israeli attack on Palestinians waiting for food (youtube.com) Death toll goes up in Israeli attack on Palestinians waiting for food (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.haten…


人道状況が悪化している? 死亡者が3万人を超えた? 報道の言葉と映像は、それだけか? ウクライナ人の苦難を連日報道しても、パレスチナ民族の生き地獄は1週間に一度で十分か? パレスチナ民族の生命は、ウクライナ人の生命よりも軽いのか? 私は、昨年1…


Gaza Boy Dies Of Starvation, Palestinians Eat Animal Fodder; Famine Threat Looms Amid Israel's War (youtube.com) Gaza Boy Dies Of Starvation, Palestinians Eat Animal Fodder; Famine Threat Looms Amid Israel's War (youtube.com) magnitude99.h…


Gaza crisis: 'There is no flour, no bread, no gas, no wood for burning' (youtube.com) Gaza crisis: 'There is no flour, no bread, no gas, no wood for burning' (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com


Ireland basketball team refuses handshake with Israel | #AJshorts (youtube.com) パレスチナ民族に対するシオニスト政権の大量無差別殺人への抗議として、イスラエル人がそれを黙認し続ける限り、こうした決意表明は当然のことだ。 シオニスト政権がパレ…


His eyes speak louder than words ever can #gaza #palestine #freepalestine #humanity #shorts (youtube.com) His eyes speak louder than words ever can #gaza #palestine #freepalestine #humanity #shorts (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com …

パレスチナ人が食料収集を待っている間にイスラエルに殺害された ーyoutube★闇の子どもたち、人間のような動物

最新アップデート:パレスチナ人が食料収集を待っている間にイスラエルに殺害された - YouTube magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com


NZたばこ禁止、1年で幕 政権交代で方針一変:北海道新聞デジタル (hokkaido-np.co.jp) NZたばこ禁止、1年で幕 政権交代で方針一変:北海道新聞デジタル (hokkaido-np.co.jp) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.…


Palestinian girl in Gaza eats lemons with salt to cope with hunger (youtube.com) Palestinian girl in Gaza eats lemons with salt to cope with hunger (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.…


How Israeli settler violence forces Palestinians to flee their homes (youtube.com) How Israeli settler violence forces Palestinians to flee their homes (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenab…


"You're killing thousands and thousands of children,” says Piers Morgan to former Israeli PM (youtube.com) "You're killing thousands and thousands of children,” says Piers Morgan to former Israeli PM (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com


“I am personally proud of the ruins in Gaza,” says Israeli minister May Golan (youtube.com) “I am personally proud of the ruins in Gaza,” says Israeli minister May Golan (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com


Indonesian pilot greets Palestinian passenger on plane (youtube.com) Indonesian pilot greets Palestinian passenger on plane (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com


Palestinian child cries from lack of food (youtube.com) Palestinian child cries from lack of food (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenab…


Israeli forces beat, strip and use Palestinian civilian as “human shield” (youtube.com) Israeli forces beat, strip and use Palestinian civilian as “human shield” (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com


At least 576,000 people in Gaza one step away from famine, UN says (youtube.com) At least 576,000 people in Gaza one step away from famine, UN says (youtub magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com ma…


Israeli police arrest dozens at anti-government rally (youtube.com) Israeli police arrest dozens at anti-government rally (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog…

London Symphony Orchestra, Debussy: Clair de Lune, conducted by Stanley Black (youtube.com)

London Symphony Orchestra, Debussy: Clair de Lune, conducted by Stanley Black (youtube.com)


党費着服か 兵庫維新、宝塚市議を除名処分 経理担当時期、私的に芳香剤やシャンプー購入|社会|神戸新聞NEXT (kobe-np.co.jp) 今の日本の子供TV・町内会新聞・害毒メディアでは、女性差別反対を騙る男性差別、女性差別反対を騙ってする発言検閲、女性差別反対…

Clair de lune/Debussy [Music Box] (youtube.com)

Clair de lune/Debussy [Music Box] (youtube.com)


2024年2月29日の北海道の最低気温低いほうから|札幌管区気象台 道内アメダス順位表 (jma-net.go.jp) 2024年2月29日の北海道の最低気温低いほうから|札幌管区気象台 道内アメダス順位表 (jma-net.go.jp)データ最新時刻 09:00順位 地点名 最低気温 地方1 歌登(…


杉田水脈議員のアイヌ民族差別「実効性ある禁止法必要」 札幌で「考える集会」:北海道新聞デジタル (hokkaido-np.co.jp) 杉田水脈議員のアイヌ民族差別「実効性ある禁止法必要」 札幌で「考える集会」:北海道新聞デジタル (hokkaido-np.co.jp これこそ、発…

"WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE" Played On 1899 Stella 17 1/4 Inch Console Grand Music Box (youtube.com)

"WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE" Played On 1899 Stella 17 1/4 Inch Console Grand Music Box (youtube.com)


Displaced Palestinian child says she had to eat donkey food amid food shortages #realtalk (youtube.com) Displaced Palestinian child says she had to eat donkey food amid food shortages #realtalk (youtube.com) 何も食べてはいない彼女の悲しげ…


Fears of famine deepen in the besieged enclave as Israel blocks aid to Gaza (youtube.com) Fears of famine deepen in the besieged enclave as Israel blocks aid to Gaza (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magni…


Israeli air strike near the Kuwait Hospital in Rafah has killed at least eight Palestinians (youtube.com) Israeli air strike near the Kuwait Hospital in Rafah has killed at least eight Palestinians (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com …


Why this 18-year old Israeli refuses to join the Israeli army (youtube.com) Why this 18-year old Israeli refuses to join the Israeli army (youtube.com) magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnit…


Gaza latest update : Israeli airstrikes, dead & injured under the rubble - YouTube Gaza latest update : Israeli airstrikes, dead & injured under the rubble - YouTube magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenablog.com magnitude99.hatenab…


Gaza's budding 11-year-old journalist reporting the war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed (youtube.com) Gaza's budding 11-year-old journalist reporting the war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed (youtube.com) 今この時、ジェイコブ・ロスチャイルドが死んだのには、因…

1899 "Luna Waltz" Played On Mira 18 1/2 inch Concert Grand Console Music Box - YouTube

1899 "Luna Waltz" Played On Mira 18 1/2 inch Concert Grand Console Music Box - YouTube